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the first fully buzzword-compliant weblog engine

Friday, April 26 2024

RSS Roundtable


I came across this tidbit at, the home of my favorite weblog tool, NetNewsWire:

DrunkenBlog: RSS for Mac OS X Roundtable: "I'm a big fan of RSS, and while ago I decided I wanted to do one of my chats with the author behind one of the RSS aggregators for Mac OS X, and hit a conundrum: there were too many cool apps to choose from."

It's a chat with the authors of NetNewsWire, NewsFire, NewsMac, PulpFiction, and Shrook."

Brent Simmons sums it up for me: Mac users are on the cutting (bleeding?) edge of software offering new UI & entirely new ideas. This is a recurring theme, and one of the reasons why I love the Mac: the best early browsers were Mac, the same can be said for NNTP readers, and now RSS readers (and Weblog editors). Also notable in the article are discussions of Atom vs RSS, (I favor RSS, but will likely support Atom) and the RSS scalability (ie polling) discussion, which specifically mentions HTTP 304 responses. (planned for XML-Weblog)

You can bet that NetNewsWire, and it's new companion product, MarsEdit, will play a major role in XML-Weblog development. I'll be writing more about this soon.

posted by Loki on Thu, 21 Oct 2004 22:57:37 -0500