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the first fully buzzword-compliant weblog engine

Thursday, April 18 2024

Progress on xml-weblog 1.1


After a long leave of absence, I have completed a major architecture revision to the xml-weblog code and made some steps towards a 1.1 release. The latest code can be downloaded below (still covered by a 4-clause BSD license).

Support for images stored in the database is currently broken, but this will be fixed before the 1.1 release. The preferred imgage format has switched from PNG to GIF now that GIFs are patent-free; all exisiting images & icons have been converted to GIF since PNGs don't work in some ancient browsers. Non-administrator login is now supported, but, without the user customization/story submission features, it's not that useful (yet). Finally, both avantgo (avantgo.php) and RSS (rss.php) support have been added, and support for the Blogger and MetaWeblog APIs through XML-RPC will be included in the 1.1 release.

For those who are interested, the back-end code changes involve moving code into an object-based/library structure. All pages with the exception of the icon/image & install pages have been changed to fit into the new architecture, with the remaining scheduled to be fixed for 1.1. However, after 1.1 is released it is likely that the arcitecture will need to be reviewed again.

Download Snapshot

posted by Loki on Thu, 06 Nov 2003 13:00:00 -0600